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Design News

CSS Navigation Menus

Navigation menus have to be intuitive, precise and easy-to-use. One simple, basic principle, which is common for all kinds of nav bars you would ever want to use for your projects.

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Disney Goes 2.0

This week, the Walt Disney Co. is beta launching a community site aimed at mothers.

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Web Typography Sucks

Richard Rutter of Clearleft and Mark Boulton of Mark Boulton Design and their presentation on why Web Typography Sucks

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Newspapers and web design

Good newspaper design is all about effectively presenting large quantities of text/information in a usable, straightforward way -- sound familiar?

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CSS Vault sold for $100k

One of the very first CSS gallery sites have been sold- again.

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Three new demonstrations at CSS play

Three new demonstrations, 'CSS only speech bubbles', 'Overlap and overrun menu' and 'Chunky borders'

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WaSP Street Team

A new Web Standards Project initiative to encourage the promotion of Web standards in local communities. Your help needed!

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ready.mobi Report

A useful site to help you build a good mobile site. Ready.mobi provides an analysis of how your web content is likely to function on a mobile device.

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